The documenation states that I should be able to use 'notifySetItem' to update the chart whenver my data source is updated. However, I'm getting an error stating that 'notifySetItem' is not a method on igDoughnutChart.
I've done some experimentation with the other methods (updateSeries, addSeries, and removeSeries) and I'm seeing some inconsistent behavior that I hope someone can help sort out.
After updating an item in my collection, I'm able to use updateSeries to refresh the chart. However, newly inserted data doesn't show up. I managed to get inserted data to display in the chart by calling removeSeries followed by addSeries. It works, but is not ideal.
Here are the examples on jsFiddle:
Example 1 binds an array and has a button to update and add an new element to the array. It uses 'udpateSeries'. Notice how the newly added item doesn't show up.
Example 2 does the same thing as Example 1 but calls 'removeSeries' and 'addSeries'. Notice how the newly added item shows up.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Hello Lee,
The issue is fixed and it is included in the latest service release. You can download it from your profile.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Thank you for reporting this.
I have asked our engineering staff to examine this further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 218564. A support case is created on your behalf with number CAS-172477-M2W9G6, so that you can be notified when the bug is fixed. You can find your active cases under Account - Support Activity in our website. Select your ticket and go to Development Issues tab to view the status of related bugs.
Let me know if I may be of further assistance.
Thank you for contacting us.
I reproduced the behavior you described. We are looking into this matter.
I'll keep you posted.