Hello I am trying to apply style to some cells in a row. I tried the below row and I get error 0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: Invalid Enum Argument: patternStyle value: 0
worksheet.rows(2).cells(0).cellFormat().fill($.ig.excel.CellFill.createPatternFill("lime", "gray", $.ig.excel.FillPatternStyle.default));
worksheet.rows(1).cells(1).cellFormat().fill($.ig.excel.CellFill.createPatternFill("lime", "gray", $.ig.excel.FillPatternStyle.default));
But I am able to apply style for one cell in a worksheet . If I try to apply for more than one cell in a row or in different rows then I get the mentioned error.
Please help.
Its working . patterstyle default is throwing error . When I changed the pattern style to others apart from default then it worked.
worksheet.rows(2).cells(0).cellFormat().fill($.ig.excel.CellFill.createPatternFill("lime", "gray", $.ig.excel.FillPatternStyle.solid));
Glad to hear you got this fixed.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Hi Sam .
Thanks lot for your response . Can you please check this too , http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/107137.aspx .