I have grid with combo editor for one column.. while grid is bind this way :$('#uoaAuditGrid').igGrid('option', 'dataSourceType', 'json').igGrid('option', 'dataSource', uoaExtendedData).igGrid('dataBind');I also need dynamically provide datasource for the combo which is editor for the column AuditName.
How do I obtain reference so I can do something like this : $(".selector").igCombo("option", "dataSource", ds);
I tried : var editor = $('#uoaAuditGrid')..igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "AuditName"); it did not return anything...
Also where would be related topic in the documentation.
$(function () { $('#uoaAuditGrid').igGrid({ columns: [ .................................................. { key: 'AuditName', headerText: 'Audit Name', width: '25%' }, { key: 'AuditId', dataType: 'number', hidden: true }, { key: 'uoa_ba_Id', dataType: 'string', hidden: true } ],
autoGenerateColumns: false, features: [
{ name: 'Updating', enableAddRow: false, editMode: 'cell', columnSettings: [ { columnKey: 'Name', readOnly: true }, { columnKey: 'Description', readOnly: true } , { columnKey: 'uoaBenefitYear', readOnly: true } , { columnKey: 'AuditName', editorType: 'combo', editorOptions: { autoComplete: true, // dataSource: pageController.getAvailAudits(), allowCustomValue: false, textKey: 'AuditName', valueKey: 'AuditName', showDropDownButton: false, enableClearButton: false
} } ........................................................................ });
also why would the following line :
var col = $('#uoaAuditGrid').igGrid("columnsByKey", "AuditName");
would produce an error : jquery-1.9.1.js:507 Uncaught Error: no such method 'columnsByKey' for igGrid widget instance