I'm using example http://www.igniteui.com/grid/bind-grid-with-ko ( see attached zip file) but seems like it is not working. I'm getting header but not data.
Why i need updating feature ? I don't want to give ability to add new row , just update record and provide textbox on top. Cell which I'm going to update would be observable.
You need to specify a primaryKey. For some reason template is not involving the selection feature. Template1 is using and is being messed up, because there is no primaryKey defined.
I'll have to note you that you should add Updating(this feature also requires primaryKey) in order to update observables and to use knockout two-way data binding.
See attached example , I'm using ko component and it is not working. It works fine with template and not with template1 ( only difference is // between this two template)
Any explanation why this behaviour ?
Hello Manish,
When using height: 100%, the grid should be inside of a container with specified height.
If you want to span the grid table on the entire page you can use:
html, body { height: 100%;}