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Enable / Disable delete row and add row


I am using a igTreeGrid and I am trying to hide/show "delete row" and "add child row" buttons for each row based on some criteria.

I set up this code to run when "hover" event is fired, but it is never running: $("#treegrid > tbody > tr").hover(...);

Thank you for your help.

here is my code:

TheGrid = $("#treegrid");

width: "100%",
//dataSource: gridData, //bound to flat data source,
autoGenerateColumns: false,
primaryKey: "bgt_rowid",
foreignKey: "bgt_prowid",
initialExpandDepth: 0,
updateUrl: "Services/BudgetService.asmx/Update",
autoCommit : true,
columns: [
{ headerText: "שם", key: "rowName" , width: "300px" , dataType: "string" },
{ headerText: "rowID", key: "bgt_rowid", width: "100px", dataType: "number" , hidden: true},//must column. without it the grid is not working properly.
{ headerText: "ParentID", key: "bgt_prowid", width: "100px", dataType: "number", hidden: true },//must column. without it the grid is not working properly.
//dynamically add columns
foreach (Builder.Tarbut.DAL.BudgetColumn col in GridCols) {
Response.Write(string.Format("{{ headerText: \"{0}\", key: \"{1}\", dataType: \"number\" }},", col.ColTitle, col.ID));
features: [
name: "Selection",
multipleSelection: true,
mode: "cell",
activation: true
name: "Sorting",
applySortedColumnCss: false,
//mode: "multi"
name: "Filtering",
//filterButtonLocation : "right",
labels: {
advancedButtonLabel: "Advanced",
after: "לפני",
before: "אחרי",
clear: "נקה סינון",
contains: "מכיל",
doesNotContain: "אינו מכיל",
doesNotEqual: "שונה מ",
empty: "ריק",
endsWith: "מסתיים ב",
equals: "שווה ל",
false: "false",
falseLabel: "false",
filterDialogCaptionLabel: "Advanced Filtering",
greaterThan: "גדול מ",
greaterThanOrEqualTo: "גדול או שווה ל",
lessThan: "קטן מ",
lessThanOrEqualTo: "קטן או שווה ל",
startsWith: "מתחיל ב"

nullTexts: {
after: "לפני...",
before: "אחרי...",
clear: "נקה סינון",
contains: "מכיל...",
doesNotContain: "אינו מכיל...",
doesNotEqual: "שונה מ...",
empty: "ריק",
endsWith: "מסתיים ב...",
equals: "שווה ל...",
false: "false",
falseLabel: "false",
filterDialogCaptionLabel: "Advanced Filtering",
greaterThan: "גדול מ...",
greaterThanOrEqualTo: "גדול או שווה ל...",
lessThan: "קטן מ...",
lessThanOrEqualTo: "קטן או שווה ל...",
startsWith: "מתחיל ב...",
name: "Paging",
pageSizeDropDownLabel: "הצג",
pageSizeDropDownTooltip: "בחר מספר רשומות לתצוגה",
pageSizeDropDownTrailingLabel: "רשומות",
currentPageDropDownLeadingLabel: "Current XX Page XX",
currentPageDropDownTrailingLabel: "X Pages XXX",
firstPageLabelText: "ראשון",
firstPageTooltip: "עבור לדף הראשון",
lastPageLabelText: "אחרון",
lastPageTooltip: "עבור לדף האחרון",
nextPageLabelText: "הבא",
nextPageTooltip: "עבור לדף הבא",
prevPageLabelText: "הקודם",
prevPageTooltip: "עבור לדף הקודם",
pagerRecordsLabelTemplate: "${startRecord} עד ${endRecord} מתוך ${recordCount}",

pageSize: 50
name: "ColumnMoving",
mode: "deferred",
columnSettings: [
{ columnKey: "bld_rowname", allowMoving: false },
{ columnKey: "bld_rowid", allowMoving: false }
name: "Resizing",
allowDoubleClickToResize: true
name: "Updating",
enableAddRow: false,
enableAddChild: true,
addRowLabel: "הוסף שורה",
cancelLabel: "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;בטל",
doneLabel: "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;המשך",
editMode: "cell",
enableDeleteRow: true,
excelNavigationMode: true,
horizontalMoveOnEnter: true,
validation: true,
startEditTriggers: "click,f2,enter",
columnSettings: [
columnKey: "rowName", editorOptions: {
type: "text",
required: true
//disabled: true
editCellEnded: function(evt, ui){
if (ui.update && !isCalculatingSummaries && TheGrid.igTreeGrid('columnByKey', ui.columnKey).dataType === 'number'){//calculate summary for numbers when cell changes
var parentId = TheGrid.igTreeGrid("getCellValue", ui.rowID, "bgt_prowid");
calculateSummaries(parentId, ui.columnKey);
editCellStarting: function(evt, ui){//enable or disable editing
//verify permissions to edit row and disable editing if no permission
if (!isRowEditable(ui)){
showErrMsg('אינך רשאי לערוך שורה זו');
return false;

//check if row has children and disable editing of numerical values if yes (parent rows cannot be edited, they are calculated)
if (isSummaryCell(ui)){
showErrMsg('לא ניתן לערוך שורת סיכום');
return false;

return true;
rowDeleted: function(evt, ui){//recalculate summaries.
$.each(TheGrid.igTreeGrid('option', 'columns'), function(i, col){//loop on all columns
if(col.hidden == false && col.dataType === "number"){ //need to recalculate summary. (ignore hidden columns, they are key columns)
calculateSummaries(ParentRow , col.key);
//TheGrid.igTreeGrid("getCellValue", 3, "ShipDate");
rowDeleting: function(evt, ui){
ParentRow = TheGrid.igTreeGrid("getCellValue", ui.rowID, "bgt_prowid");

$("#treegrid > tbody > tr").hover(
function(evt) {
var rowID = $(this).attr("data-id"); // Get the row id.
if (hasChildren(rowID)){
function(evt) {

//check if row has children
function hasChildren(rowID){
if ($(TheGrid.igTreeGrid("rowById", rowID)).attr('aria-owns')){//row has children
return true;
return false;