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iggrid Button Errors in angular 2


Currently i am using iggrid in my angular 2 project , i am getting following issues while implementing iggrid in my project

1).on iggrid, i have a button called viewparcels, currently when i have click on viewparcels button editbox get invoked, in my case it should not be invoke when i would click on that button,
but when i would click on other cell values then editbox should get invoke. Please check below screenshot

ERROR:on viewpurchase button click event editbox get invoked..

2).i have called function RedirectParcel on viewparcels button click event, but when i click on button , its giving the following error.

Uncaught ReferenceError: RedirectParcel is not defined
at HTMLInputElement.onclick

Please check below screenshot



3). i am using generatePrimaryKeyValue: function (evt, ui) for getting new id while adding new row, but its not working properly.
For e.g i have 3 rows with ID:175,177,179 . in this case when i click on add new row,the new id should be 180, but it returning new ID is 176.

Please Find below screenshot

Generate Wrong primary key

