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Selectable text with Rowselection and Rowselectors enabled

Hi there,

Is it possible to make your text selectable when you have row selection and row selectors enabled?

This is currently not possible.




  • 5513
    Offline posted

    Hello Michael,

    Currently there is no perfect workaround for grids with enabled row selection. This is because default browser behavior on TD mousedown is prevented to allow only rows to get focused while still enable users to tab through cells (this is related to ARIA requirements).

    You can find a possible workaround if you follow the link to the modified sample: (it's only added for the first grid)

    You may notice that the browser will focus the clicked cell for an instant before the grid focuses its row parent. At the moment I cannot offer you a solution for this issue but if something comes to mind I will let you know.

    I hope this helps! Thank you for using Infragistics forums!

    Best regards,

    Stamen Stoychev