I wanted to control the chart's crosshairPoint programmatically when user select a row from grid data. I can achieve this by using following code.
$("#char1t").igDataChart("option", "crosshairPoint", { x: positionX, y: -5000 });
But, I cannot find a way to disable default behavior of the crosshairPoint where it follows mouse pointer when hovering the chart area.
How to disable crosshair's default MouseOver behaviour?
Hello Kean,
Thank you for posting on Infragistics forums.
igDataChart’s Crosshair moves with the mouse pointer by nature, so you are not able to fix its position when a mouse is hover over the chart.
If you wish to draw a line on a particular position on the chart, I suggest you adding a scatterLine series having two data points in the dataSource representing the beginning and the end of the line.
I have created a sample that demonstrate this approach.
If you click Show button, it will show crossing lines on the chart.
Let me know if I may be of further assistance.
Thank you,
Mihoko Kamiishi
Attached my output example