I'm trying to develop a sample application using Angular Cli and Ignite UI IgGrid, I see that it is not working with the AngularCli but using Angular2 and systemjs it is working as expected. Can you please share a working sample that can be run using Angular Cli for IgGrid?
Sorry I meant it is *not* working using angular cli.
Sure, there you go.
Thank you for a quick response!
I'm trying to load 100k rows in the iggrid. All the rows are same, added in a for loop to mock data. I see that the grid is unresponsive. Is there any limitation on the number of rows?
Also, if I have hierarchical data and I want to get the inner object to display the data in the flat grid, how can I do that?
This is huge amount of data. Have you considered paging or virtualization? You might want to take a look at our Performance Guide topic for igGrid.
There's an option which would allow you to drill down into your hierarchical data - responseDataKey