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Grid dataBind remote method


I have been attempting to bind to a grid using a remote method in aspx with no luck.    The following is the grid definition:


defaultColumnWidth: 100,

alternateRowStyles: false,

columns: [

{ headerText: "Add?", key: "IsSelected", dataType: "string", width: "50px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Ticker", key: "Ticker", dataType: "string", width: "50px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Cusip", key: "Cusip", dataType: "string", width: "50px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Name", key: "SecurityName", dataType: "string", width: "95px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Starmine Portfolio", key: "StarminePortfolioName", dataType: "string", width: "95px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Start Date", key: "StartDate", dataType: "date", width: "75px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "End Date", key: "EndDate", dataType: "date", width: "75px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Startmine Analyst", key: "StarmineAnalystName", dataType: "string", width: "90px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Analyst Region", key: "AnalystRegionName", dataType: "string", width: "90px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "MFS Region", key: "MfsRegionName", dataType: "string", width: "70px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "MFS Country", key: "MfsCountryName", dataType: "string", width: "70px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "MFS Sector", key: "MfsSectorName", dataType: "string", width: "70px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Global Sector", key: "GlobalSectorName", dataType: "string", width: "70px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Mfs Industry", key: "MfsIndustryName", dataType: "string", width: "70px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Factset Industry", key: "FrsIndustryName", dataType: "string", width: "70px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "MFS Analyst", key: "MfsAnalystName", dataType: "string", width: "90px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" },

{ headerText: "Universe", key: "CoverageUniverseName", dataType: "string", width: "70px", columnCssClass: "defaultColumn" }


// primaryKey: "Cusip,StartDate",

requestType : "POST",

dataSourceUrl: "StarminePortfolios.aspx/GetData",

responseDataKey: "d",

caption: "Coverage Universe Override",

autoGenerateColumns: false,

features: [


name: "Sorting",

type: "local"



name: "Paging",

type: "remote",

pageSize: 50,

recordCountKey: "recordCountKey",

pageSizeUrlKey: "pageSize",

pageIndexUrlKey: "pageIndex",

pageIndexChanging: function (event, args) {

// FilterGrid();



pageIndexChanged: function (event, args) {

// alert('Here')





This is the method that gets called:

function FilterGrid() {




var qryStr = 'tickerList=' + $('#txtTickerList').val() + '&mfsAnalystId=' + StringListValue('#lstMFSAnalystFilter') + '&frsIndustry=' + StringListValue('#lstFRSIndustryFilter') +

'&mfsIndustry=' + StringListValue('#lstMFSIndustryFilter') + '&mfsRegion=' + StringListValue('#lstMFSRegionFilter') + '&analystRegion=' + StringListValue('#lstAnalystRegionFilter') +

'&mfsCountry=' + StringListValue('#lstMFSCountryFilter') + '&mfsSector=' + StringListValue('#lstMFSSectorFilter') +

'&globalSector=' + StringListValue('#lstGlobalSectorFilter') + '&coverageUniverse=' + StringListValue('#lstCoverageUniverse') + '&starminePortfolioId=' + StringListValue('#lstStarminePortfolioFilter') +

'&starmineAnalystId=' + StringListValue('#lstStarmineAnalystFilter') + '&currentStarminePortsOnly=' + $('#chkCurrentStarminePortsOnly').prop('checked');


var url = "StarminePortfolios.aspx/GetData?" + qryStr;

$("#igResults").igGrid("option", "dataSource", url);




On the aspx side this is the WebMethod:

[System.Web.Services.WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]

public static List<StarminePortfoliosSecurity> GetData( string tickerList,string mfsAnalystId,string frsIndustry,

string mfsIndustry, string mfsRegion, string analystRegion,string mfsCountry,string mfsSector,

string globalSector, string coverageUniverse, string starminePortfolioId, string starmineAnalystId, bool currentStarminePortsOnly = true, int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = 100 )


string userLoginId = HttpContext.Current.Session["NT_LOGINID"].ToString();

List<StarminePortfoliosSecurity> list = Mfs.Invest.InvestData.AnalystCoverage.StarminePortfoliosSecurity.GetStarminePortfolioSecuritiesV2(tickerList, mfsAnalystId, frsIndustry, mfsIndustry, mfsRegion, analystRegion, mfsCountry, mfsSector, globalSector, coverageUniverse, starminePortfolioId, starmineAnalystId, currentStarminePortsOnly);

return list;


I keep getting a 500 error message because it does not understand the request.   I am able to do this with $ajax but I really need to work thru the grid.   Can you tell me what I am doing wrong or do you have a sample post of a grid to a webmethod??  I am using 2016.2 of the grid


  • 23953
    Offline posted

    Hello CodeGrunt,

    I'm attaching a sample that demonstrates how you can bind igGrid to WebMethod.

    There are few things to mention:

    1. Since you enabled Paging feature you'll need to return JSON in specific format. I created a GridJsonModel class to account for that. The WebMethod returns an object of this class.
    2. Again because of the Paging you need 2 params in your WebMethod: pageSize and pageIndex. Use those to slice the data.
    3. In igGrid configuration correctly setting "responseDataKey" and "recordCountKey" is important.

    Best regards,
    Martin Pavlov
    Infragistics, Inc.