I am using quick start for ignite ui grid on github. I am connecting to a Web API to fetch the data. I am successful in doing it. Can I know how can I implement combo editor in angular 2 for updating the grid columns?
Rahul S
The editor type can be set to “combo” via the editorType option. Additional combo specific options can be set via the editorOptions option.
Spanish dictionary
Hello Rahul,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
You can set the Updating feature’s column settings and specify the editor type for the column you wish to use a combo for:
Here’s an example on how the column settings can be set via angular syntax:
<updating [columnSettings]=”columnSettingsOption”></updating>
Where columnSettingsOption would be the property in your component that contains the column setting.Example:
this.columnSettingsOption = [{
columnKey: "CategoryID",
editorType: 'combo',
required: true,
editorOptions: {
mode: "dropdown",
dataSource: northWindCategoriesJSON,
textKey: "Name",
valueKey: "ID"
Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Infragistics, Inc.