I was wondering if the igDoughnutChart had a similar setting to the DataChart IsTransitionInEnabled? If it does not can you recommend any approach to achieve a similar result?
Hey Euan,
The same animation effect is achieved with igPieChart (sample below), you can use this approach in order to make the same animation with the igDoughnutChart:
Hi Zdravko,
I am really just looking for an initial animation on the load of the doughnut chart, something similar to this:
Hello Euan,
Currently our igDoughnutChart does not have such option, although if you share with me what exactly is your goal, we can try to accomplish it with simple js or css implementation?
IsTransitionInEnabled is a propety that is defined on the igDataChart series. You can see an example of it in use in your data chart animations example:
As you described I was looking IsTransitionInEnabled property into our igdatachart API document here , but I did not find any .Could you please provide me the link of the property from where you find it , so that I can find the same for igDoughnutChart .
Looking forward to her you back.