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igGrid Edit Dialog Done button disabled when required fields autopopulated


I have an igGrid with row edit mode set to dialog. On the dialog , I have a few required fields and I have a custom button which,when clicked, populates all the fields via an ajax call. However, the Done button doesn't get enabled. Please help.

Once I get the values from the ajax call, I populate the fields in the below way.

$("[data-editor-for-Field]").igTextEditor({value: "Test"});

However, If i type a character at the end of the textbox, the Done button enables.



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  • 5513
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Guru,

    By design, the done button may be enabled automatically only after the end-user types a character in an editor and the editors are in a valid state. For your case you will have to enable it manually. Try the following code:

    $("#<grid ID>_updating_dialog_container").igGridModalDialog("option", "buttonApplyDisabled", false);

    I hope this helps! Thank you for using Infragistics forums!

    Best regards,

    Stamen Stoychev

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