Is there a way to show an image for the delete button?
My current Code
headerText: "", key: "Delete", unbound: true, template: "<button onclick='deleteStuff(${id})''>Delete</button>", width: 10
Hello William,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
A graphical “Delete” button could be created by replacing the <button> HTML tag with the <input type=’image’> tag and setting its “src” attribute to point to the corresponding image that would be used instead. It could have event handlers attached just like a regular button.
You code might look like this after some minor modifications:
headerText: "", key: "Delete", unbound: true, template: "<input type=’image’ src=’someDeleteButtonPicture.jpg’ onclick='deleteStuff(${id})' />", width: 10
Alternatively the button element could be styled with a background image and its borders, margins and other CSS properties might be modified. Please note that if you remove the button text, some width and height should be explicitly set:
template: " <button onclick='deleteStuff(${id})' style='background-image:url(\"someDeleteButtonPicture.jpg \");width:50px;height:40px'></button>",
If you need any additional assistance, feel free to contact me.