I'm using the $.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid to export a pivot grid.
It works but it exports only data, without left headers. On the top I have 2 rows of header and the exporter gets only one row.
Is there a way to export the headers too?
(Wher I use the exportere on a iggrid with grouped header it get only one row too)
Hello Giovanni,
I'm afraid that the $.ig.GridExcelExporter does not support exporting an igPivotGrid. Also regarding the igGrid the $.ig.GridExcelExporter does not support exporting Multi-Column Headers feature. That's the reason you see this behavior. However you should be able to add the multi headers and left headers in the exportEnding event where you can use the args.worksheet to access the Excel Engine API. Here is an example code that demonstrates inserting a multi header:
exportEnding: function(sender, args) { args.worksheet.rows().insert(0, 1); // insert one new row at index 0 //create a merged cells region that will act as a multi header var mergedHeaderRegion = args.worksheet.mergedCellsRegions().add(0,1,0,2); // firstRowIndex, firstColumnIndex, lastRowIndex, lastColumnIndex mergedHeaderRegion.value("Month1"); // style the newly inserted row as a header for (var columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < 4; columnIndex++) { args.worksheet.rows(0).getCellFormat(columnIndex).fill($.ig.excel.CellFill.createSolidFill("rgb(136, 136, 136)")); args.worksheet.rows(0).getCellFormat(columnIndex).font().colorInfo(new $.ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo("rgb(255, 255, 255)")); } }
Best regards,
Martin Pavlov Infragistics, Inc.