Ignite UI version: 2018.2
When I set defaultValue in the iggrid initialization (columnSettings): works!When I change defaultValue in the rendered event: works!When I change defaultValue in the saveChanges event after committing the dataSource: doesn't workChanging another another parameter, f.e. "required" in the saveChanges event after committing the dataSource works too, so I suppose there's a problem changing defaultValue programmatically after initialization.
Is there a work around?
My code:
var grid = $("#CustomerStartupNormenGrid"); $.ajax({ type: "GET", cache: false, url: urlCustomerStartup_GetNormen, data: { klantNr: webCustomer.Klantnr, login: webUser.Gebruikersnaam, languageCode: languageCode }, dataType: "json", async: false, success(response, status, xhr) { if (response) { var ct = xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type") || ""; if (ct.indexOf("ERROR") === -1) { //Grid Initialization grid.igGrid({ language: languageCode.toLowerCase(), dataSource: response, responseDataKey: "OpstartNorm", updateUrl: urlCustomerStartup_SetNormen, autoGenerateColumns: false, primaryKey: "Volgnummer", autoCommit: true, width: "100%", height: "800px", columns: [ { headerText: "", key: "Volgnummer", dataType: "number", hidden: true }, { headerText: "", key: "Klantnr", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { headerText: "", key: "Login", dataType: "object", hidden: true }, { headerText: "Afdelingscode", key: "Afdelingscode", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Artikelnr", key: "Artikelnr", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Telvolgorde", key: "Telvolgorde", dataType: "number" } ], features: [ { name: 'Updating', editMode: "dialog", rowEditDialogOptions: { width: "500px", height: "700px", }, columnSettings: [{ columnKey: "Klantnr", defaultValue: webCustomer.Klantnr }, { columnKey: "Login", defaultValue: [webUser.Gebruikersnaam] }, { columnKey: "Afdelingscode", required: true, editorType: 'combo', editorOptions: { mode: "dropdown", dataSource: response.Afdelingen, textKey: "Naam", valueKey: "Code" } }, { columnKey: "Artikelnr", required: true, editorType: 'combo', editorOptions: { mode: "dropdown", dataSource: response.Artikels, textKey: "Omschrijving", valueKey: "Artikelnr", validatorOptions: { language: languageCode.toLowerCase() } } }, { columnKey: "Telvolgorde", editorType: 'numeric', defaultValue: 0, required: true, allowSorting: true, currentSortDirection: 'ascending', editorOptions: { validatorOptions: { language: languageCode.toLowerCase() } } }], editRowEnded: function (evt, ui) { if (ui.update) { //ui.rowUpdate $("#CustomerStartupNormenGrid").igGrid("saveChanges", function (data) { if (data.ids.NewId > 0) { setTimeout(function () { grid.igGridUpdating("setCellValue", data.ids.OldId, "Volgnummer", data.ids.NewId); // Line 5 $( "#CustomerStartupNormenGrid > tbody > tr[data-id='" + data.ids.OldId + "']").attr("data-id", data.ids.NewId); // Line 6 }, 100); } grid.data("igGrid").dataSource.commit(); // Line 8 grid.data("igGrid").dataSource.allTransactions().length = 0; // Line 9 //Show feedback var message = TranslationDAL.localizedStrings["GridUpdated"][languageCode]; showFeedback("CustomerStartupNormenUpdatedMessage", message); CalcDefaultTelvolgorde(); }, function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(jqXHR.responseJSON.ErrorMessage); }); } }, rowDeleted: function (evt, ui) { var message = TranslationDAL.localizedStrings["GridUpdated"][languageCode]; showFeedback("CustomerStartupNormenUpdatedMessage", message); grid.igGrid("saveChanges"); CalcDefaultTelvolgorde(); }, generatePrimaryKeyValue: function (evt, ui) { ui.value = 0; } } ], rendered: function (evt, ui) { CalcDefaultTelvolgorde(); } }); } else { alert("ERROR:" + response); } } }, error(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { SharedFunctionsDAL.ShowUnexpectedError(xhr, errorThrown); } }); function CalcDefaultTelvolgorde() { var rowCount = grid.igGrid("rows").length; var columnSettings = grid.igGridUpdating("option", "columnSettings"); if (rowCount === 0) columnSettings[5].defaultValue = 0; else { var dataSource = grid.data("igGrid").dataSource; var lastCounter = dataSource._data[dataSource._data.length - 1].Telvolgorde; columnSettings[4].defaultValue = lastCounter + 10; } grid.igGridUpdating("option", "columnSettings", columnSettings); }
Hello Serge,
In order to change the default value in the dialog of a column you can handle the rowEditDialogOpen. After the event is fired the textEditor of the column is available and you can get it and change the value like:
features: [ { name: 'Updating', editMode: "dialog", rowEditDialogAfterOpen: function(evt, ui) { const editor = $("#grid").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "Name"); const newText = "New text"; editor.igTextEditor("value", newText); }, columnSettings: [{ columnKey: "Name", defaultValue: "Old" }], } ]
In you have any additional questions feel free to ask them.
Thank you for providing a detailed picture on the matter.
I tested changing the defaultValue runtime and the reason that it can’t be changed is that the dialog editor is created only initially. I am currently working on providing a solution for the issue.
I will come back with an update as soon as possible.
In the meantime, in case you have additional questions feel free to ask them.