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aspx grid updating

I have a grid which I am attempting to update using a webmethod in aspx.  I get an error coming back about server not sending a proper response back.  When I debug, the method is not being called.   I think it has to do with the method signature.  The grid loads up just fine and the paging works as well.  I have simplified the grid but subbing in a json object for the data source.

var subs = [

{ IDX: 1, BarraModelId: "USE3L", BarraId: "KORACL3", AltBarraId: "USA9EX1" }



columns: [

{ key: "IDX", dataType: "number", width: "10px" },

{ headerText: "Barra Model ID", key: "BarraModelId", dataType: "string", width: "150px"},

{ headerText: "Barra Id", key: "BarraId", dataType: "string", width: "150px" },

{ headerText: "Alternate Barra Id", key: "AltBarraId", dataType: "string", width: "150px" }


autoCommit: true,

defaultColumnWidth: 100,

alternateRowStyles: false,

primaryKey: "IDX",

requestType: "POST",

responseDataKey: "d.Items",

caption: "Barra Security Substitution",

// dataSourceUrl: "Main.aspx/GetSubstitutions",

dataSource: subs,

updateUrl: "Main.aspx/Update",

autoGenerateColumns: false,

features: [


name: "Filtering",

type: "local",

mode: "advanced",

filterDialogWidth: 600,

filterDialogHeight: 350,

filterDialogColumnDropDownDefaultWidth: 175,

filterDialogFilterDropDownDefaultWidth: 125,

filterDialogContainment: "window"



name: "Sorting",

type: "local",

columnSettings: [


columnIndex: 0,

allowSorting: false




name: "Paging",

type: "remote",

pageSize: 50,

recordCountKey: "d.TotalRecordsCount",

pageSizeUrlKey: "pageSize",

pageIndexUrlKey: "pageIndex",

currentPageIndex: 0,

persist: false,

pageIndexChanging: function (event, args) {


pageIndexChanged: function (event, args) {




name: "Selection",

mode: "row"



name: "Updating",

enableAddRow: true,

editMode: "row",

editRowEnded: function (evt, ui) {

if (ui.update || ui.rowAdding) {

// alert('saving');




saveChangesErrorHandler: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

// debugger

$("#message").text("An error occurred while saving the changes. Error details: " + errorThrown);//.fadeIn(3000).fadeOut(5000);


enableDeleteRow: true,

rowEditDialogContainment: "owner",

showReadonlyEditors: false,

enableDataDirtyException: false,

showDoneCancelButtons: true,

columnSettings: [


columnKey: "IDX",

readOnly: true



columnKey: "BarraModelId",

editorType: "text"



columnKey: "BarraId",

editorType: "text",



columnKey: "AltBarraId",

editorType: "text",

validation: true,

required: true,




width: "900px",

height: '400px'

//dataSource: subs,



I set the grid to use the updateUrl: "Main.aspx/Update".  The method signature on the back end is the following.

[System.Web.Services.WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]

public static bool Update()


return true;


The method does not get called.  I am calling the saveChanges function but no server method gets called.   How do I use updating within aspx.



  • 200
    Offline posted

    Hello John,

    Thank you for the provided information.

    I am currently exploring the received configuration.

    I will come back with an update as soon as possible.

    In the meantime, in case you have additional questions feel free to ask them.

    Best Regards

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