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Add HTTP Headers to igGrid dataSource

I have an igGrid with the dataSource property set, but I can't find a way to add a custom HTTP Header.

For example, see below for my grid:

        columns: [
            { headerText: "Options", key: "Options", dataType: "string", width: "100px", unbound: true, template: optionString },
            { headerText: "ID", key: "ID", dataType: "string", hidden: true },
            { headerText: "Effective Date", key: "EffectiveDate", dataType: "date", width: "130px" },
            { headerText: "Frequency", key: "Frequency", dataType: "string", hidden: true },
            { headerText: "Client", key: "ClientName", dataType: "string" },
            { headerText: "Status", key: "Status", dataType: "string", width: "120px" },
            { headerText: "Service", key: "ServiceType", dataType: "string", hidden: true },
            { headerText: "Action", key: "ActionType", dataType: "string" },
            { headerText: "Notes", key: "Notes", dataType: "string", template: "<p class='grid-fixed-row-height'>${Notes}</p>" },
            { headerText: "Created By", key: "CreatedBy", dataType: "string" },
            { headerText: "Created On", key: "CreatedTS", dataType: "date", width: "120px" }

        responseDataKey: "0.d",
        autoCommit: true,
        width: "auto",
        height: "400px",
        autoGenerateColumns: false,
        renderCheckboxes: true,
        primaryKey: "ID",
        dataSource: ""

The problem is that my API is expecting an HTTP Header called "APIKey" with a string value such as "12345". How can I add this HTTP Header?

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