I followed the given steps in (https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ignite-ui-for-jquery/121293/adding-series-dynamically-to-igdatachart-and-assigning-data0 in order to add dynamically new series to igDataChart.
As a summary, my JavaScript code for initializing chart is a follows:
function initializeDataChart() { $("#chart").igDataChart({ isHorizontalZoomEnabled: true, isVerticalZoomEnabled: true, windowResponse: "immediate", width: "100%", axes: [ { type: "numericX", name: "xAxis", stroke: "black", strokeThickness: 1, LabelTopMargin: 10, labelAngle: 0, labelExtent: 50, formatLabel: function (item) { var date = new Date(item); return date.toLocaleString(); } }, { type: "numericY", name: "yAxis", stroke: "black", strokeThickness: 1, majorStroke: "lightGrey", labelExtent: 50, formatLabel: function (item) { return item.toFixed(2); } } ] }); }
and for creating new series:
createSeries(deviceName, devicePoints); $("#chart").igDataChart({ series: series, }); function createSeries(deviceName, points) { var s1 = { type: "scatterLine", name: deviceName, markerType: "circle", thickness: 1, tooltipTemplate: "tooltipTemplate", xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", xMemberPath: "TimeStampTotalMillisecond", yMemberPath: "Value", trendLineThickness: 3, showTooltip: true, title: deviceName, dataSource: points, legend: { element: "legend" } }; series.push(s1); }
Now, I want to clear series completely preparing to the next data by using the following code, but cannot delete current series data and still see it in igDataChart:
function clearDataChartFunction() { var chartCurrentSeries = $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "series"); var arrayLength = chartCurrentSeries.length; for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { chartCurrentSeries[i].dataSource = []; $("#chart").igDataChart("notifyVisualPropertiesChanged", chartCurrentSeries[i].name); } series = []; $("#chart").igDataChart({ series: series }); $("#chart").igDataChart("renderSeries", "xAxis", true); }
Best regards.
Thank you for posting in our community.
You will need to use the notifyRemoveItem method. This online sample might be of help to you. Additionally, I have created and attached a small sample using the notifyClearItems method.
You can use the above-mentioned methods and a couple of more, specified in our API documentation.
About the events for loading data in igDataChart, what I can suggest is to take a look at this forum thread.
Let me know if I may be of further assistance.
Thank you very much for the sample code, it helps a lot. In 6646 Sample code, you call the function change() in order to push a different data for the same series. What I need actually is clearing igDataChart series completely in order to add a totally different series.
I managed, using you code to clear the points, but need to clear chart series too. Adding points using 'notifyInsertItem' is also working.
Hi, What I can suggest is to take a look at this online sample where an approach for switching to a different series is demonstrated. Additionally, I have modified the sample for your reference.
Awesome, this is exactly what I need. I searched for 'remove' method in the last API Documentation (2020.2) and found the following details about it, which is wrong I think: (www.igniteui.com/.../ui.igDataChart)
Set to true in order to have an existing axis removed from the chart, by name.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for the feedback. I will notify our development team about this issue.
I am glad that you have resolved your issue.
Thank you for using Infragistics components.