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Advanced Filtering on a Date field

 I've downloaded the latest service release and updated my project (today).

I've updated Themes, JS, and the Infragistics.Web.MVC.dll (all dated 9/5/2011)

I then proceeded to test the fixes for this release. Development issue 84857 ("filtering is not timezone-insensitive when converting ticks") does not seem to be resolved.

It appears that issue 84867 ("pager is not updated correctly on specific conditions (0 or records < page Size), when remote filtering and paging are enabled") is resolved so I think it's safe to say I have the latest updates in my project.

I've looked at the data being used by the grid and the fields have a value of "8/11/2011 12:00:00 AM" and have a DateTimeKind of Unspecified.

When I filter for dates on "8/11/2011" I am getting zero results displayed in the grid.