When I try to execute the igupload in sharepoint, an error message appear saying "Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "Resources.WebUploadResources.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "App_GlobalResources" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed."
Even though i added the references
<add assembly="Infragistics35.Web.jQuery.v11.1, Version=11.1.20111.2020, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB"/>
but the error remains.
Hi heni86_2003,
Do you experience yet such problem - I saw from your post (http://samples.infragistics.com/aspnet/Samples/WebUpload/Display/ProgressInformation/Default.aspx?cn=web-upload&sid=e659dc12-91b0-4bf5-b77c-8b6d9d32a768) that probably you have almost succeeded to add igUpload in SharePoint?
P.S. We will check the problem in your post about getting file size.
Miro Hristov
Thank you for replying. I solved the problem. But now when I try to select a file an error message appear saying that there is a problem in the file size.
Error Code : 7
Error Message : AJAX erro while trying to get file size.NANclientside.
How Can I solve this probleme using SHAREPOINT.
N. B : the same example work correctly in ASP.NET.
Thank you,
Hey heni86_2003,
My advice is to check with some developer tool like FireBug, IE Development tools, etc. (as you prefer) requests which are made from client side script and especially those to IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx. Probably it is not found on your server and you should configure your httphandler in context of SharePoint. First you should be sure that IGUploadStatusHandler is properly configured and can be accessed by client-side application.
yes, even by activating the autostartupload the same message appear.
I'm sure that I have configured the web.config file. I said that the same example with the same code work correctly with ASP.NET
I see about the problem but did you check which exactly URL file upload makes requests to get file status(I mean to check with FireBug, DevelopmentTools or other applications you prefer) and to try to access this URL.
Thank you, I will try