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Breaking change to TextEditorFor?

Using VS 2010, MVC3, Razor view engine

When using NetAdvantage 2011.1 My form works fine.

When upgrading to NetAdvantage  2011.2 it breaks with this error : Property was not found.
This error happens for ALL "TextEditorFor" fields. It does NOT happen for MaskEditorFor, DatePickerFor, or CurrencyEditorFor.

Partial Stack Trace:
   at Infragistics.Web.Mvc.HelperExtensions.GetDataAnnotationAttributes(HtmlHelper helper, String name)
   at Infragistics.Web.Mvc.InfragisticsSuite`1.AdjustForDataAnnotations(HtmlHelper helper, ModelBase model, String name, Boolean number, Boolean date)
   at Infragistics.Web.Mvc.InfragisticsSuite`1.InternalTextEditor(String fullName, String name, Object value)
   at Infragistics.Web.Mvc.InfragisticsSuite`1.TextEditorFor[TProperty](Expression`1 expression)

The code looks like this:
 @(Html.Infragistics().TextEditorFor(model => model.Item.setting)

I reverted back to 2011.1 and the code began working correctly. When going back to 2011.2, the error reappeared.

2011.2 DLL details are:
Product Version:
Date Modified: 12/20/2011 3:29 AM (I'm in central time zone of USA).

2011.1 DLL details are:
Product Version:
Date Modified: 09/05/2011 5:37 AM (I'm in central time zone of USA).

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