i have two problems.
First, progress bar doesnt work, file size info is always zero, and progress detail footer is always 0/0kb. However the files get uploaded just fine. i have looked at every single jquery igupload example you have and recreated all of them to successfully upload to my UploadHandler, but never get the progress info. (The handler sends the upload to my webservice and is not a local upload).
Second, My upload handler gets called twice and thus uploads the file twice. I have autoupload =false, and use multi upload. as soon as i select a file, the handler gets called with the file, then gets called again when i clik upload. (ive had progressurl populated and empty and get same results)
please let me know what code of mine i can provide to help trouble shoot. i have included my web config, and the upload control. all the client side jquery functions are exact replicas of your examples.
<add name="IGUploadStatusHandler" path="~/Handler/IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx"
verb="*" type=" Infragistics.Web.UI.EditorControls.UploadStatusHandler"
preCondition="integratedMode" />
<ig:WebUpload ID="WebUpload1" runat="server" Width="100%" Mode="Multiple" MaxSimultaneousFilesUploads="2"
UploadUrl="Handlers/IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx" ProgressUrl="Handlers/IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx">
<ClientEvents OnError="onError" FileSelected="fileSelected" CancelAllClicked="cancelAllClicked"
FileUploadAborted="fileUploadAborted" FileUploaded="fileUploaded" FileUploading="fileUploading" />
Hello Adam,
Thank you for the update.
Please let us know if you need further assistance.
ill take a look at the FileUploaderDesigner class today and get back to you. thanks
By Source code I meant that of the controls themselves.
For example inside FileUploaderDesigner class you can see how this handled is added.
IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx also is the default value of the ProgressUrl
You can see the implementation after downloading the source code of the controls.
Let me know if you need further assistance
what i dont understand is that in all your samples, you list this handler IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx file , but no where is it defined or shown handler code. i've looked at all of the sample code for the upload (we have a license and all the example code) but nothing directs me in actually implementing a handler with this control. i did discover the UploadPRogressManager.instance prior to your post, but im still not clear on how to 'fully' manage the control with a handler. i need some very specific handler code examples.
Thank you for the clarification.
Explanation of how to use UploadProgressManager in custome HttpHandler is not done in purpose.
This means sharing of how the igFileUpload is implemented.
You can see that by downloading our source code from our website
For example you can get the filesize using CommandGetFileSize method
UploadProgressManager upm = UploadProgressManager.Instance; upm.CommandGetFileSize(key);
Please let me know if you have further questions