I am using igTree with LoadOnDemand is set to true.
I have a WCF REST Service which giving me data to populate in igTree.
Please find the sample code..
type: "GET",
url: "AssessmentProcWCFService.svc/GetAllEntities",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: 'json',
data: '{}',
cache: false,
success: OnGetAllEntitiesSuccess,
error: OnGetAllEntitiesFailure
function OnGetAllEntitiesSuccess(categoryList) {
animationDuration: 0,
dataSourceType: 'json',
dataSource: categoryList.d,
initialExpandDepth: false,
loadOnDemand: true,
dataSourceUrl: "AssessmentProcWCFService.svc/GetAllCategories?EntityID=primaryKey:id",
bindings: {
textKey: 'text',
valueKey: 'id',
primaryKey: 'id',
expanded: 'expanded',
childDataProperty: 'children'
1. How could I send the selected node ID to the Service when any node of the tree is expanding?
The way I am sending in the above example it is not working when I am retrieving it in the service “public List<APEntityTree> GetAllCategories()” like
“string entityID = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["EntityID"];”
I am getting entity id as null.
2. How the tree get rendered when any node get expanded if LoadOnDemand is true?
Please help me on this I have spend lot of time in it.
Hi there,
You are able to do this but it is not supported out of the box. What you would need to do further is to subscribe to the nodePopulating event and change the dataSourceUrl at runtime to reflect the EntityID that you're requesting. The node populating event exposes for you the node currently being populated so you can extract its primary key from the event arguments.
Let me know if this helps!
how do i set the "dataSourceUrl" inside the
"#APTreeView", "igtreenodepopulating", function (evt, ui) {
Please let me know the child node will get rendered automatically after expand?
Hi again,
You basically invoke the setOption method of the widget the following way:
$('#APTreeView').igTree('option', 'dataSourceUrl', 'http://new.request');
Thank you for using the Infragistics forums!
I forget to mention that i am trying to build a tree as follows.
Could you open the network tab of your browser and monitor the request. Inspect the response body in order to see whether the data is actually returned or some internal error is thrown (500). If the second happens, then most probably you need to set AllowGet to true for the JsonResult that you're returning. Let me know if this is not it.
Hello Sandy,
I as looking at your post and tried to reproduce the behavior that you experience.
I encountered the same issue when load on demand is enabled.
As Konstantin supposed, the nodesByValue is not returning a node element to you because the node is still not loaded.
I am attaching a sample with two igTrees (the second with LoadOnDemand) to see the difference.
Once the node is loaded on the client, select and expandToNode methods works as expected.
Hope this helps
Hey again,
I thought of something. Could you make sure that nodesByValue is returning a node element to you. Check whether node.length > 0 && node.length === 1.
Can you provide me with a small sample that reproduces the issue. I can help you further if I have that.
already did that still no luck.
Hi there.
You need to pass the node element into those functions not the node object. No need to call nodeFromElement on it. It would work if you remove that line :)