Hello all,
I'm developing a 3 level igHierarchicalGrid, in javascript, based on multiple-levels-multiple-layouts example, and I got to work the first two levels, when opening the third level I got the following error: Uncaught Error: There was an error parsing/evaluating the JSON string: Unexpected token o ig.ui.min.js:1.
I have double-checked the Javascript code and the json file and all seems correct and similiar to other multi-level igHierarchicalGrid examples, nonetheless I got error in the columnLayout with the key "Artigos". My code is the following:
My Javascript code:
$("#hg").igHierarchicalGrid({initialDataBindDepth: 1,dataSource: jsonData,dataSourceType: 'json',responseDataKey: 'd.results',width: "750px",autoGenerateColumns: false,autoGenerateLayouts: false,primaryKey: "Gama",columns: [{ key: "Gama", headerText: "Gama", width: "130px", dataType: "string" },{ key: "Descricao", headerText: "Descrição", width: "265px", dataType: "string" }],autoGenerateLayouts: false,columnLayouts: [{key: "Familias",responseDataKey: "results2",autoGenerateColumns: false,autoGenerateLayouts: false,primaryKey: "Familia",foreignKey: "Gama", columns: [{ key: "Familia", headerText: "Familia", width: "100px", dataType: "string" },{ key: "Descricao2", headerText: "Descrição", width: "100px", dataType: "string" }],columnLayouts: [{key: "Artigos",responseDataKey: "results3",autoGenerateColumns: false,autoGenerateLayouts: false,primaryKey: "Artigo",foreignKey: "Familia", columns: [{ key: "Artigo", headerText: "Artigo", width: "100px", dataType: "string" },{ key: "Descricao3", headerText: "Descrição", width: "100px", dataType: "string" },{ key: "Preco", headerText: "Preço", width: "100px", dataType: "string" }]}]},{key: "Familias",responseDataKey: "results2",autoGenerateColumns: false,autoGenerateLayouts: false,primaryKey: "Familia",foreignKey: "Gama", columns: [{ key: "Familia", headerText: "Familia", width: "100px", dataType: "string" },{ key: "Descricao2", headerText: "Descrição", width: "100px", dataType: "string" }],columnLayouts: [{key: "Artigos",responseDataKey: "results3",autoGenerateColumns: false,autoGenerateLayouts: false,primaryKey: "Artigo",foreignKey: "Familia", columns: [{ key: "Artigo", headerText: "Artigo", width: "100px", dataType: "string" },{ key: "Descricao3", headerText: "Descrição", width: "100px", dataType: "string" },{ key: "Preco", headerText: "Preço", width: "100px", dataType: "number" }]}]}
],features:[{ name: 'Sorting' },{ name: "Filtering", allowFiltering: true, caseSensitive: false, columnSettings: [{columnKey: "Gama", allowFiltering: false} ]}]});
My Json file:
{"d": {"results": [{"Gama": "88","Descricao": "Vazio","Familias": {"results2": [{"Familia": "888","Descricao2": "Vazio","Artigos": {"results3": [{"Artigo": "8424219033741","Descricao3": "HAMBURGER VITELA,,4P","Preco": "1.7376"},{"Artigo": "8424219027993","Descricao3": "RECHEADO PORCO MIL FOLHAS,,1P","Preco": "7.6224"}]}}]}}]}}
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for using our controls. I'll investigate this issue. It's seem you do it right.
Stanimir Todorov
Okay.. It's look like there is limitation when you are binding with key "d". It's allow only two levels.
So I made a sample how to achieve your goal. You can find it as attached file in the post.
Thanks for your help Stanimir,
I will test it and give feedback as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Hello Stanimir,
Your solution worked as you said. Thanks again for your help.
Thanks for using our controls!