Hi all,
I encountered an error when binding data returned from web service to igGrid. The error is occurred in ig.ui.min.js when JSON.parse(s) is called.
stringToJSONObject:function(s){var data={};try{data=JSON.parse(s)}catch(e)
The message is "there was an error in parsing/evaluating json string: Syntax Error"
I have the following from code on my server side:
List<MyTransaction> Transactions = new List<MyTransaction>
{ new MyTransaction{ TransactionID=12235, PlanID=63, Premium=225f},
new MyTransaction{ TransactionID=12236, PlanID=64, Premium=256f},
new MyTransaction{ TransactionID=12237, PlanID=77, Premium=355f}
public List<MyTransaction> GetAllTransactions()
{return Transactions;}
In my aspx page (Version 1) I have:
var url = "/Vertex/CarService.asmx/GetAllTransactions"; var json = new $.ig.DataSource({ type: "json", dataSource: url });
$("#igGrid").igGrid({ virtualization: false, autoGenerateColumns: false, jQueryTemplating: false, columns: [ { headerText: "TransactionID", key: "TransactionID", dataType: "number", width: "150px" }, { headerText: "PlanID", key: "PlanID", dataType: "number", width: "120px" }, { headerText: "Premium", key: "Premium", dataType: "number", width: "400px" } ],
dataSource: json, responseDataKey: "d", scrollbars: true, height: '800px', features: [ { name: 'Paging', pageSize: 20 }, { name: 'Sorting' }, { name: 'Filtering', filterDropDownItemIcons: false, filterDropDownWidth: 200 } ] }); }
However, if I change my aspx into the following(version 2), the data binding is OK. That means using ajax call to get data first, then data binding is OK.
What am I missing in version 1? should I use responseDataKey: "d" option?
$(function () {
type: "POST",
url: "/Vertex/CarService.asmx/GetAllTransactions",
data: "{}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
records = response.d;
$("#igGrid").igGrid({ virtualization: false, autoGenerateColumns: false,
columns: [ { headerText: "TransactionID", key: "TransactionID", dataType: "number", width: "150px" }, { headerText: "PlanID", key: "PlanID", dataType: "number", width: "120px" }, { headerText: "Premium", key: "Premium", dataType: "number", width: "400px" } ],
dataSource: records,
scrollbars: true, height: '400px', features: [ { name: 'Paging', type: "local", pageSize: 5 }, { name: 'Sorting' }, { name: 'Filtering', type: 'local', filterDropDownItemIcons: false, filterDropDownWidth: 200 } ] });
failure: function (msg) { $('#dailyTransaction').text(msg); }
You got this error because your configuration is wrong. Here is the correct code:
In this case you need to decorate your WebMethod with ScriptMethod attribute and set UseHttpGet = true property to true. (This is needed because igDataSource uses GET requests internally.) Here is the code:
Hope this helps,
Martin Pavlov
Infragistics, Inc.