Hey there,
I am using Jquery 2012 vol 1 and while using igGrid, if I add 2 rows and delete one of them then transactions count submitted to action should be 1 but it is 3 as this is creating 2 transactions for newrow and deleterow.
am i missing something to implement new feature (Grid Net Transactions)?
my view is :
@Using Html.BeginForm("SaveAgreements", "Contact", FormMethod.Post, New With {.id = "AgreementForm"}) @<fieldset> <legend>Contact Agreements</legend> @(Html.Infragistics().Grid(Of Advantage.Web.Objects.ContactAgreementListItem) _ .ID("grid1").PrimaryKey("AgreementId") _ .AutoGenerateColumns(False) _ .Columns(Function(columns) columns.For(Function(c) c.AgreementId).HeaderText("Agreement ID").DataType("number").Hidden(True) columns.For(Function(c) c.AgreementTypeId).HeaderText("Agreement Type").DataType("number").Width(300) columns.For(Function(c) c.SentDate).HeaderText("Sent Date").DataType("date") columns.For(Function(c) c.ReceivedDate).HeaderText("Received Date").DataType("date") columns.For(Function(c) c.EffDate).HeaderText("Effective Date").DataType("date") columns.For(Function(c) c.ExpDate).HeaderText("Expiration Date").DataType("date") End Function) _ .Features(Function(features) features.Sorting().CaseSensitive(False).Mode(SortingMode.Single).Type(OpType.Local) features.Resizing() features.Filtering.Type(OpType.Local).Mode(FilterMode.Simple) features.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row).MultipleSelection(False) features.Updating().ShowDoneCancelButtons(True).DeleteRowTooltip("Delete Agreement").EnableAddRow(True).EnableDeleteRow(True).AddRowLabel("Add Agreement").AddRowTooltip("Add Agreement").EditMode(GridEditMode.Row).ColumnSettings(Function(column) column.ColumnSetting.ColumnKey("AgreementTypeId").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.Combo).Required(True).Validation(True).ComboEditorOptions(Function(combo) combo.Mode(ComboMode.DropDown).SelectItemBySpaceKey(True).EnableClearButton(False).DropDownOnFocus(True).TextKey("AgreementType").ValueKey("AgreementTypeId").DataSource(ViewData("AgreementTypes")) End Function) column.ColumnSetting.ColumnKey("SentDate").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.DatePicker) column.ColumnSetting.ColumnKey("ReceivedDate").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.DatePicker) column.ColumnSetting.ColumnKey("EffDate").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.DatePicker) column.ColumnSetting.ColumnKey("ExpDate").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.DatePicker) End Function) End Function) _ .AutoCommit(True) _ .UpdateUrl(Url.action("UpdateAgreements")) _ .DataSource(ViewData("Agreements")) _ .RenderCheckboxes(True) _ .DefaultColumnWidth("100") _ .GenerateCompactJSONResponse(False) _ .Width("100%") _ .Height("400px") _ .DataBind() _ .Render()) <p> <input type="submit" id="Save" value="Save" class="ui-button" />
Thanks in advance!
Hello pardeepkgupta,
Since you are using our MVC wrapper you should update the assembly reference and/or assembly itself in order to see the difference.
The changes made between versions are too many to be summarized in few lines but you can download the new version of the Source Code too and made/check the needed changes there.
Hi Alex,
I downloaded new release but still not getting net transactions.
what I did for new release is: replaced js folder and css folder with the latest one's.
I did not updated the reference to new Infragistics.Mvc.dll. Actually we downloaded the source code and customize it to suit our requirements. If this reference needs to be updated, can you please send me the changes in source code of this dll, so that we could update only those parts which required.
There is a new Service Release (build 2059) that is now available for download through our Website.
Make sure that you change the reference to our MVC assembly in your project to point the newest version before testing this behavior again.
we were using 12.1.2049. Is there any service release after this? if yes, I didn't update that!
Can you tell me which build of version 12.1 you use and did you install the latest Service Release for our jQuery controls?