Is it possible to make an igGrid look like 'multi-column multi-level list view', i.e. display arrow on right column ? I would like to switch to another view when user tapped the arrow (or selected the row).
igHierarchicalGrid is not a good idea because I need to display a lot of detail information - video player, chart and maybe another grid.
MobileListView is not enough either because in this case 'detail' is just another list.
For now I display arrow image in last grid column using rowTemplate. Also in rowTemplate I specify onclick event handler
and handler just go to different page:
rowTemplate: "<tr><td>${assetID}</td><td>${network}</td><td>${title}</td><td>${date}</td><td>${status}</td><td><img alt='...' src='${img}' onclick='detail(${assetID})'></img></td></tr>",
function detail(assetID) { var url = "....htm?assetID=" + assetID; document.location.href = url; }
would the igHierarchicalGrid work for you? Or you're looking at something more like our mobile list view, with drill-down into detail?
Let me know. Thanks,