Is it possible to make an igGrid look like 'multi-column multi-level list view', i.e. display arrow on right column ? I would like to switch to another view when user tapped the arrow (or selected the row).
would the igHierarchicalGrid work for you? Or you're looking at something more like our mobile list view, with drill-down into detail?
Let me know. Thanks,
igHierarchicalGrid is not a good idea because I need to display a lot of detail information - video player, chart and maybe another grid.
MobileListView is not enough either because in this case 'detail' is just another list.
For now I display arrow image in last grid column using rowTemplate. Also in rowTemplate I specify onclick event handler
and handler just go to different page:
rowTemplate: "<tr><td>${assetID}</td><td>${network}</td><td>${title}</td><td>${date}</td><td>${status}</td><td><img alt='...' src='${img}' onclick='detail(${assetID})'></img></td></tr>",
function detail(assetID) { var url = "....htm?assetID=" + assetID; document.location.href = url; }