Whether Infragistics chart supports IE8 browser version?
If it's support how to we can do changes in Infragistics Chart in Ie8 browser version.
I am rendering igDataChart and used this code to render chart in IE8 browser. But on browser console an error is coming which says
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'getContext' infragistics.dv.core.js, line 14 character 166856
Do you have any idea on this? How to resolve this issue?
PS: Problem area in the code when I am using
$.ig.dvCommonWidget.prototype._isCanvasSupported = function() { return true; }
By the way, i've already test flashcanvas without any success....
Thanks you for the answer.
In two words, i'm still blocked with my html 5 reportviewer.. :(
As i'm lost, could you give me a name of one of them ?
Kind Regards
You will note that I said that the explorer canvas solution was not very satisfactory as it does not support text rendering, so you are likely to get errors if your axes contain labels (the default case). We can't support these methods of loading the chart because they have varying degrees of quality, and do not necessarily support all of the functionality required to load the chart. But this example gives you an idea of how you might approach using a library that emulates the canvas' behavior to load the chart in older browsers.
There are one or two canvas emulation APIs out there that support text rendering, so you may have more luck with them.
I've tried your solution mixed with my need but it failed in IE8.
Can you help me ?
Kind Regards.
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<script type="text/javascript"> var test = isCanvasSupported(); //console.log(test);
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$.ig.loader({ scriptPath: '../../../Scripts/', cssPath: '../../../Styles/', resources: "igReportViewer", theme: '' });
$.ig.loader(function () { $.ig.dvCommonWidget.prototype._isCanvasSupported = function () { return true; } $.support.cors = true;
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