I have an issue that i cannot solve.
In a grid with Editing enable and edition style with RowEdition, if i start an edition on a row, modify some cell's data and then click in other cell of a different row, i lose edition for the current row. Event UpdatingRowwEnding is fired as if i click on Validate button of igGrid. Since i have modified some data, the update flag is set so i treat this event as if user has click on validate button but user has clicked on a cell of another row so i update a wrong object.
Is there a mean to differentiate the edition losing and the validate click ?
Thank's for your help.
Hello Hardis,
I have been looking into your questions and I am not sure that I understand your requirements. Would you please provide me with a small sample where the behavior that you mentioned is reproducible so I can investigate this further.
Thanks in advance.
Here is the JS code for adding and updating records from igGrid.
$("#Sites").live("iggridupdatingeditrowending", function (event, ui) { // ui.update=true; // Récupère les valeurs des champs var codeSite = ui.values["Site"]; //var codeSite = $("#Sites").igGrid("getCellValue", ui.rowID, "Site"); var description = ui.values["Description"]; var nom = ui.values["Nom"]; var adresse1 = ui.values["Adresse1"]; var adresse2 = ui.values["Adresse2"]; var codePostal = ui.values["CodePostal"]; var ville = ui.values["Ville"]; var contact = ui.values["Contact"]; var telephone = ui.values["Telephone"]; var siret = ui.values["Siret"]; // Mode édition --> Modification du site if (ui.update && ui.rowAdding == false) { ... CODE TO UPDATE calling URL on controller
window.location.href = url; } else // Mode ajout --> Création du site if (ui.update && ui.rowAdding == true) { ... CODE TO UPDATE RECORD window.location.href = url2; } });
Here is the code to define grid from MVC ASPX view
<%= Html.Infragistics().Grid(Model.ListeSites).ID("Sites").AutoCommit(true).PrimaryKey("Site").AutoGenerateColumns(false).EnableHoverStyles(false).Columns(column => { column.For(x => x.Site).HeaderText("Site").Width("45"); column.For(x => x.Description).HeaderText("Description").Width("150"); column.For(x => x.Nom).HeaderText("Nom").Width("100"); column.For(x => x.Adresse1).HeaderText("Adresse 1").Width("100"); column.For(x => x.Adresse2).HeaderText("Adresse 2").Width("100"); column.For(x => x.CodePostal).HeaderText("Code postal").Width("100"); column.For(x => x.Ville).HeaderText("Ville").Width("90"); column.For(x => x.Contact).HeaderText("Contact").Width("90"); column.For(x => x.Telephone).HeaderText("Téléphone").Width("90"); column.For(x => x.Siret).HeaderText("Siret").Width("90"); }) .Features(features => { features.Paging().Type(OpType.Local).PageSize(20); features.Sorting().Mode(SortingMode.Single); if (User.IsInRole(((int)Andra.PriscaND.Business.Model.RoleName.Administrateur).ToString())) { features.Updating() .EnableAddRow(true) .EnableDeleteRow(true) .EditMode(GridEditMode.Row) .ColumnSettings(settings => { settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Site").ReadOnly(false).EditorType(ColumnEditorType.Text).Required(true).Validation(true) .EditorOptions(@"validatorOptions: {requiredMessage: 'Site obligatoire'}, maxLength:3"); settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Description").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.Text).Required(true) //.EditorOptions(@"validatorOptions: {errorLabel: 'GridValidation', onChange: true}"); .EditorOptions(@"validatorOptions: {requiredMessage: 'Description obligatoire'}, maxLength:250"); settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Nom").ReadOnly(false).EditorOptions("maxLength:50"); settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Adresse1").ReadOnly(false).EditorOptions("maxLength:50"); settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Adresse2").ReadOnly(false).EditorOptions("maxLength:50"); settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("CodePostal").ReadOnly(false).EditorOptions("maxLength:20"); settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Ville").ReadOnly(false).EditorOptions("maxLength:50"); settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Contact").ReadOnly(false).EditorOptions("maxLength:50"); settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Telephone").ReadOnly(false).EditorOptions("maxLength:20"); settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Siret").ReadOnly(false).EditorOptions("maxLength:14"); }); } }).DataBind().Render()%>
My problem is :
If a begin an update of an existing row, and then click outside of the edited row, we enter into the iggridupdatingeditrowending callback function and we cannot differentiate if this is an effective end of edition or an abord of edition.
We tried using iggridupdatingeditrowended and we had the same problem.
Maybe we don't understand something with the edition process by igGrid.
I hope this will be more understandable.
You can use the iggridupdatingeditrowending event for the purpose.
If user has clicked Cancel button ui.update will be false.
If user has clicked Done button or he has clicked on another row then ui.update will be true.
If you want to differentiate if he has clicked on another row or Done button then you should use the original event.
If another row has been clicked its type is "mousedown". If Done button is clicked its type is "click"
$("#grid1").live("iggridupdatingeditrowending", function (evt, ui) {
var original = evt.originalEvent;
var update = ui.update;
if (update && original.type == "mousedown") {
ui.keepEditing = true;
// TO DO
Hope this helps.
How can we add additional row in a grid based on a button click?