igGrid - IgniteUI 12.2.20122.2029
I'm getting this error when I try to show the Column Chooser. I'm using jquery-1.8.3 if that makes a difference.
Error: cannot call methods on igGridHiding prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'showColumnChooser'http://localhost:3000/Scripts/jquery-1.8.3.js
Essentially, I'm trying to add a button to the pager that will open up the column chooser. I don't know why, but when I click the button it doesn't seem to know about the hiding feature of the grid. Any ideas? (full code attached)
rendered: function(evt, ui){ var waitForPager = setInterval(function() { if ($('.ui-iggrid-pagerrecordslabel').length > 0) { clearInterval(waitForPager); $('<button>Choose Columns</button>') .insertAfter('.ui-iggrid-pagerrecordslabel') .button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-wrench"}, text: true}) .css('margin-left', '40px') .click(function(clickEvt){ $("#MyGrid").igGridHiding("showColumnChooser"); }); } }, 10); }
Hi Dirq,
is #MyGrid a div?
I just read that in the known issues! I wish I would have seen this post a couple hours ago.
If a grid is instantiated from a DIV element, the API calls to the grid's features do not work as expected. The best solution is to use a TABLE element as the base element for the igGrid. If a DIV must be used, continue with the following workaround.
The calls to the API of the grid's features should rely on the table that they are actually attached to: [gridElementId]_table. If the grid is bound to a DIV with id attribute set to "grid1"the easiest way to reference that table is to use either the grid's id() or widget() API methods like shown here: