I am trying to do something very simple and enable single cell selection within an igGrid control. I am an unable to do this however as if I include the features attribute when initialising the grid I get the following error:
Cannot call method '_injectGrid' of undefined
I am using jQuery 1.8.2, but have tried against 1.7.2 and the same error persists. In the loader I am simply loading resources for igGrid.Selection. JS below:
$(tableElem).igGrid({ dataSource: pivotData, height: paneHeight + 'px', width: paneWidth + 'px', fixedHeaders: false, defaultColumnWidth: '100px', autoFormat: true, theme: "metro", features: [{ name: 'Selection', mode: 'cell' }] });
Any help would be appreciated.
I am sorry for the delayed response.
I do not know what could've caused the two installations of the 2029 SR to behave differently. We do not have two versions of it. It seems that the only difference reported by BeyondCompare is actually related to the trial watermark being appended for the trial version of Ignite UI. I suggest contacting developer support if you still have issues with this.
As for RowSelectors breaking Selection, it's a bug that appears because of a change introduced in jQuery UI 1.9. We are going to log it internally and a fix will be available in the next SR, scheduled for release on January 11. As a workaround until the SR is available you can reference an earlier version of jQuery UI.
Best regards,
Stamen Stoychev
Hi Stamen,
I have the exact problem when grid allows RowSelectors.
Attached is your code with modification that enable RowSelectors. The exception will be given when selecting any row.
I have been doing the same as you suggested and thought that I've figured out why it didn't work for me.
I downloaded the latest version of Ignit UI 12.2.20122.2029. Attempted to install IgniteUI_20122.2029_SR but restricted because the same version was found. With this version on my machine, igGridSelection cannot be enabled.
My coworker was able to install the SR on his machine and the file version is also 12.2.20122.2029. With this SR version, igGridSelection can be enabled sucessfully.
That is, we have the same version of Ignit UI but one is working and one isn't.
Then I did a BeyondCompare for infragistics.ui.grid.selection.js and found that the following function was appended to the non-working js file:
(function(a){a(document).ready(function(){var b=a("#__ig_wm__").length>0?a("#__ig_wm__"):a('<div id="__ig_wm__"></div>').appendTo(document.body);b.css({position:"fixed",bottom:0,right:0,zIndex:1000}).addClass("ui-igtrialwatermark")})}(jQuery));
Also with these two 2029 versions, igGridSelection cannot be enabled when igGridRowSelectors is also enabled.
I think Infragistics should make the version number different whenever new changes applied to a released version, e.g. 2029.1 and 2029.2. It will save everybody's time for investigation.
Hello Erica,
I've attached a sample demonstrating igGridSelection with the latest version of Ignite UI 12.2, referenced from our CDN and using jQuery 1.8.2 + jQuery UI 1.9.0. Please take a look at it and see if you can reproduce the issue you were experiencing by making the necessary changes.
Correction: I'm using jQuery-1.8.2.js and jQuery-ui-1.9.0.js
With the igGridSelection initialized, when using:
- infragistics 12.2.20122.1021, "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: tbody > tr > td:[data-skip=true]" was given.
- infragistics 12.2.20122.2029, "cannot call methods on igGridSelection prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'selectedRows'" was given.