The filter in my grid is a bit messed up. It went away for a while and now it's back. I did F12 and looked at the CSS for various pieces of the filter and everything I've seen appears to be coming from the ig CSS or the jquery CSS. I can't figure out what could be messing with it. Any ideas?
Good morning.
Unfortunately after I created a new mvc4 project, it still has the same result. Please see my sample code below:
@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc;
@model IEnumerable<csisMVC4.tbl_branches>
@(Html.Infragistics().Loader() .ScriptPath(Url.Content("~/Scripts/IG/js/")) .CssPath(Url.Content("~/Content/IG/css/")) .Theme("metro") .Resources("igShared") .Render() )
@{ ViewBag.Title = "List of Branches";}
@(Html.Infragistics().Grid<csisMVC4.tbl_branches>() .ID("grid") .PrimaryKey("branch_idno") .AutoGenerateColumns(false) .AutoGenerateLayouts(false) .AutoCommit(false) .Columns(column => { column.For(x => x.branch_idno).DataType("number").Hidden(true); column.For(x => x.branch_code).HeaderText("CODE ").DataType("string"); column.For(x => x.branch_location).HeaderText("LOCATION ").DataType("string"); column.For(x => x.branch_chapel_desc).HeaderText("DESCRIPTION ").DataType("string"); column.For(x => x.branch_contactno).HeaderText("CONTACT NO. ").DataType("string"); }) .Features(feature => { feature.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row).MultipleSelection(false); feature.Updating(); feature.Sorting().Type(OpType.Local); feature.Paging().PageSize(10).PrevPageLabelText("Previous").NextPageLabelText("Next"); feature.Filtering().Type(OpType.Local); }) .DataSourceUrl("/Branches/BranchList").ResponseDataKey("") .ClientDataSourceType(ClientDataSourceType.JSON) .Width("100%") .Height("100%") .DataBind() .Render())
And my BranchList code i used in my controller is as follows:
private fsdbEntities db = new fsdbEntities();
#region Branches public JsonResult BranchList() { //return Json(nw.BranchList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); return Json(db.tbl_branches, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } #endregion
I don't have any other css except the /Content/site.css and is using the Metro theme if Infragistics.
Hoping someone can point me out on how to fix my problem.
Thanks and good day once again to all. :)
thanks again.
i'm gonna try it now :D
Script order seems to be more art than science...
I do jquery first, jquery-ui next. then I do infragistics.loader, THEN I do jquery-ui css, then I do the my $.ig.loader call, in that order (I have other scripts and css in there, but it's unrelated).
Hope that helps.
Thanks again. We'll try your suggestion :)
I think I might be doing something wrong in the bundglesConfig. Is there any particular sequence for the bundles?
Thanks again :D
I'm doing MVC4 and I'm not having any issues with it. I suspect if you recreate your MVC4 project from scratch the way you did the MVC3 project, you'd find the problem goes away...