I notcied that when using a GroupBy, a new "column" is added to the Cells group in the event arg which throws off the count. What would be the best way to get values from particular cells in case of selecting a row after grouping a column? I can't use index number since a new cell is added after groupby. Can I use the column name intead like this:
function handler (evt, ui) {
var id = ui.row.element[0].cells["ID"].innerText;
Thanks in advance for any help!
you can look it up by CSS Class "ui-iggrid-groupedrow" - that's the name of the class that gets applied to every group row which includes the count (number of rows that fall into that group). Then you can get the innerText and the number in the brackets. Additionally, it is possible to customize the format (template) of that row, so that it is easier for you to parse.
Hope it helps. Thanks,
Hi Angel,
I looked all over but having hard time finding documentation on this css class. Can you point me to where there might be some sample code or write up on this class? Thanks!