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Save change IgGrid

I have a igGrid, but the type of data which are not represented.
This occurs because the iggrid is updated and every time represents a different model.
When I want to save changes to the model, I can not, because I is not the model type.
To save the changes I have a function that I found in the documentation for Infragistics.
Is the next function:

Public Function EditingSaveChanges() As ActionResult
ViewData("GenerateCompactJSONResponse") = False
Dim m As New GridModel()
Dim transactions As List(Of Transaction(Of Object)) = m.LoadTransactions(Of Object)(HttpContext.Request.Form("ig_transactions"))
For Each t As Transaction(Of Object) In transactions
If t.type = "newrow" Then

ElseIf t.type = "deleterow" Then

ElseIf t.type = "row" Then

Dim result As New JsonResult()
Dim response As New Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)()
response.Add("Success", True)
result.Data = response

Return result
End Function

This modified to receive anything, but I know the type of object that gets me.
Any way to get the type of which is the object that gets me?
when I do "t.row", I just say "object".

Thanks advances.

Best Regards.

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