I have a grid with filters and I would like to customize the labels "Starts with ..." and "Contains ...".To do this, I set the following property:
features: [ { name: "Filtering", type: "local", labels: { contains: "Custom Contains", containsNullText: 'Custom ContainsNullText'
In the dropdown menu, "Custom Contains" appears but the label "Contains..." has not been changed to "Custom ContainsNullText".
Should I use the key "containsNullText" to set this value?
Works with:
features: [ { name: "Filtering", type: "local", labels: { contains: "Custom Contains", }, nullTexts: { containsNullText: 'Custom ContainsNullText' }
Hello Alain,
Thank you for sharing your solution with our community.
I hope that this answer will be helpful for other users too.