I want to send data, when I Paging the grid.How could I pass?I would do as you do to save your changes.Bring in the value "ig_transactions" through the Request.Form ("").
code your Save changes:
Public Function EditingSaveChanges() As ActionResult ViewData("GenerateCompactJSONResponse") = False Dim m As New GridModel() Dim transactions As List(Of Transaction(Of Persona)) = m.LoadTransactions(Of Persona)(HttpContext.Request.Form("ig_transactions")) For Each t As Transaction(Of Object) In transactions
return JsonResult()
End function
I would do the same when paging.
I append into code HTML element <input type="hidden" name="tipo" value="@Model.myProperty" />
But y don't see a form when call method to paging.
And I don't know where append this element.
could be done?
Thanks in Advanced
Best Regards
Hello nitaGM ,
I was just wondering did you have a chance to try my suggestion. If you still need any assistance on the matter, please do not hesitate to ask.
You can take a look at our remote-paging functionality:
In this case you override the internal function that we used in order to send a get request to the server. This function is named _processReqest. In order to use it you can try the following code snippets:
ds = $("#grid1").data("igGrid").dataSource;
ds._processRequest= function (options) {
// trigger the call
if (this.settings.responseDataType === 'jsonp') {
//this is the row that I changed
$.getJSON(options.url, options.data, $.proxy(this._jsonpFilter, this));
} else {
url: url,
// do not specify a dataType, let jQuery detect the response type, and filter the data later on.
dataType: dataType,
async: true,
context: this,
data: params,
contentType: contentType,
cache: false,
dataFilter: dataFilterFunction,
success: successCallback,
complete: completeCallback,
error: errorCallback
In this approach I just override the _processReqeust of the igDataSource and add some additional parameters to the data that we send internally to the server during the paging:
this way the igGrid will still send the data for the requested paging in the request along with your information:
If you need any additional information on this matter please do not hesitate to ask.