System:Windows 7Chrome version [latest]jQuery 1.7.2Modernizr 2.6.2jQueryUI 1.8.24bootstrap [latest]Visual Studio 2012ASP.NET web form pages with master page.I have gotten the igGrid to populate using a late binding AJAX call and sporadically I get the Object [object Object] has no method 'igGrid' error. I have checked for duplicate resource includes and my page is pretty simple. This only seems to happen when I refresh the page. Although not all of the time. Maybe once every 10 times or so.I include my primary resources, based on the igGrid examples, in my master page. Then I put the ig.loader in the page I am calling. This way any pages not using the igGrid will not load resource they don't need.Here is a code layout. MasterPage Site.css modernizr-2.6.2.js jquery-1.7.2.min.js bootstrap.min.js jquery-ui.min.js Default or NewGrid page infragistics.loader.js .ig.loader({ load page and resources }); .igloader({ column set up and features }); any page specific js here table with id for grid bindingI hope this makes a little sense.Thanks in advance,Donnie
It looks like I have solved it. Even though I was called document ready to load my data the ajax call was outrunning the rendering of the page. So essentially before my browser made it to the table id reference my ajax call was trying to attach data. To resolve the issue I moved the ajax call to the end of the .ig.loader function. However this does raise an interesting question. Why was it that my grid was getting rendered visually but when I tried to attach a data source it could not be found? Anywho .. it looks to be fixed.