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Row edit modal dialog not showing context data

Trying to figure out why when I double click on the row the modal dialog displays empty data fields.

   <script type="text/javascript">
            $("#grid1").live("iggridupdatingdatadirty"function (event, ui) {
                return false;

            @Html.ActionLink("Create New""Create")
        @( Html.Infragistics().Grid(Model).ID("grid1")
               .Columns(column =>
                       column.For(x => x.TypeID).DataType("string").HeaderText("ID");
                       column.For(x => x.TypeDescription).DataType("string").HeaderText("Description");
                       column.For(x => x.AddedBy).DataType("string").HeaderText("Added By");
                       column.For(x => x.DateAdded).DataType("date").HeaderText("Date Added");
                       column.For(x => x.ModifiedBy).DataType("string").HeaderText("Modified By");
                       column.For(x => x.DateModified).DataType("date").HeaderText("Date Modified");
                       column.For(x => x.DisplayOrder).DataType("string").HeaderText("Order number");
                       column.For(x => x.Enabled).DataType("string").HeaderText("Enabled");
               .Features(features =>
                               .ColumnSettings(settings =>
                                       settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("TypeDescription").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.Text).TextEditorOptions(options => options.ValidatorOptions(option =>
                                       settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Enabled").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.Text).TextEditorOptions(options => options.ValidatorOptions(option =>
  • 23953
    Offline posted


    I see that you defined TypeID column to be your primary key and you also defined it as a string type.

    Row edit template fields will be empty if TypeID column values are number, but the column is defined as string, because there will be type mismatch when Row edit template ties to find the record from the data source.


    Hope this helps,

    Martin Pavlov

    Infragistics, Inc.

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