I have a sitution where i dont the depth of data hierrachy like i have to show ftp folder hierrachy structure. Like Folder1->Folder2->Foder3 and so on.How can i achieve this thing in igHierarchicalGrid.I cant hard code this thing in initialization of igHierarchicalGrid.Kindly guide me how can i handle such situition.
I'm evaluating purchasing license for my company. I'm trying out the jquery version igHierarchicalGrid. The documentation doesn't provide how to clearly specify nth level hierarchy. Also the examples provided in the following two urls have different schemas:
1. help.infragistics.com/.../CLR4.0
2. https://www.igniteui.com/help/api/2019.1/ui.ighierarchicalgrid
And the following link is only for asp... is there an example for jquery?
Your help is appreciated.
Hello NS,Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this issue.
Hello NS,Thank you for posting in our community. You can set autoGenerateLayouts to be true and it will autogenerate all layouts assuming default values for "childrenDataProperty" When autoGenerateLayouts is enabled, it will automatically generate all columns recursively. (all columns on all levels). For more information please visit our online api documentation - https://www.igniteui.com/help/api/2019.1/ui.ighierarchicalgrid and you can also see a running sample with auto generated layout on the following link - https://www.igniteui.com/hierarchical-grid/dataset-bindingPlease let me know if my suggestion is helpful.