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Unable to set conditional row template

I am trying to set conditional row template for my iggrid .Following is the code : 

showHeader: true,
autoGenerateLayouts: false,
columns: [
{ headerText: "Id", key: "id", dataType: "string" , hidden:true },
{ headerText: "Code", key: "Code", dataType: "string" },
{ headerText: "Name", key: "Name", dataType: "string"},
{ headerText: "Country", key: "Country", dataType: "string"},
{ headerText: "Count", key: "Count", dataType: "string"}
responseDataKey: 'rows',
rowTemplate: "<tr>" +

"<td> {{if verifyCount(${Count}) == 1 }}<span class='criticalAttention'>${id}</span>{{elseif verifyCount(${Count}) == 2 }}<span class='Attention'>${id}{{/if}}" + "</td>" +

"<td>{{if verifyCount(${Count}) == 1 }}<span class='criticalAttention'>html Code</span>{{elseif verifyCount(${Count}) == 2}}<span class='Attention'>html Code{{/if}}" + "</td>" +

"<td>{{if (verifyCount(${Count}) == 1}}<span class='criticalAttention'>${Name}</span>{{elseif verifyCount(${Count}) == 2}}<span class='Attention'>${Name}{{/if}}" + "</td>" +

"<td>{{if (verifyCount(${Count}) == 1}}<span class='criticalAttention'>${Country}</span>{{elseif verifyCount(${Count}) == 2}}<span class='Attention'>${Country}{{/if}}" + "</td>" +

"<td>{{if((verifyCount(${Count}) == 1}}<span class='criticalAttention'>${Count}</span>{{elseif verifyCount(${Count}) == 2}}<span class='Attention'>${Count}</span>{{/if}}" + "</td>" +


dataSource: '@Url.Action("action", "controller")',
features: [
name: "Paging",
type: "remote",
pageSize: 10,
recordCountKey: 'records'
} ,
name: "Sorting",
type: "remote"
name: "Tooltips",
columnSettings: [
{ columnKey: "Name", allowTooltips: true }
visibility: "overflow",
showDelay: 100,
hideDelay: 100


I need to make some calculations on the count field and then change the bg colour of each row based on these calculations . Hence , I tried writing a js function callled verifyCount() which then calculates and returns either 1 or 2 and set the class accordingly. However there are multiple problems here,

1) the function is not identified.

2)the code field which actually an anchor tag is being rendered as a string rather then a url.

Please assist and let me know if you guys need any additional info.Thanks.