There is a bug when calculating the scroll container heights in virtualization mode when summaries are shown.
The problem is in infragistics.ui.grid.framework.js method _initializeHeightsInternal. The reference to _footers_v is incorrect, it should be _footer_container.
In addition, the _adjustHeights method of infragistics.ui.grid.summaries.js does not correctly calculate the height of the containers in virtualization mode; changing it to call this.grid._initializeHeights instead of calculating the values directly resolves the problem.
We have discovered these issues because we are working in a size-sensitive application and the grid kept overflowing its container in virtualization mode.
Awesome, good to hear! If I can be of any other help just let me know.
Thanks a lot, now works like it should. I should have thought about this earlier...
regards Lorenz
Hello Jason,
thanks for replying. Currently i'm on '13.1.20131.1012', so maybe this version is too old. I'm using the trial-version right now to evaluate the usage of the grid.
I'll replace the files with new versions and report back, thanks for the tip!
Hello Lorenz,
Which build of Ignite UI are you using? The fix for this issue went out in the Jun 27 service release, builds 12.2.20122.2195 and 13.1.20131.2143. If you're using one of those builds or later and still having the issue then we should probably have a support case created to dig in to this a little further.
i'd like to ask if there are any news on this.
I'm currently trying to create a (row)virtualized grid, that should fit inside an fixed-sized container. Setting virtualization and a height results in a grid, thats row-container (the html-element the visible rows are stored in) has the height i setted on initialization. But headers, filter-inputs, scrollers, group-elements are also added to the height which causes the overall grid to be much higher than i want it to be.
It looks like the height of elements with ID 'baseGrid_grid_displayContainer' and 'baseGrid_grid_scrollContainer' is not calculated correctly (their height is the inital height i want the whole control to be).
Is this still a bug or am I just doing something wrong?