I'm trying to use the following in order to capture combo box selection changes, then update the caption to my igGrid (for starters):
I can indeed update my grid's "caption"; however I'm always getting the PREVIOUS selection - not the current text item which was just selected.
Also, can you advise me on how to use the evt and ui objects ? i can't find good documentation on that.
thank you.
I realized I was using the wrong event method, so I changed it to "igcomboselectionchanged":
$(document).delegate("#filterCombo", "igcomboselectionchanged", function (evt, ui) { // COMBO BOX CHANGE EVENT ! var selText = $(this).igCombo("text"); $("#pfGrid").igGrid("option","caption", selText); });
But still trying to get an understanding of how to use the "evt" and "ui" objects. Any examples please ?