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igGridUpdating, RowEditTemplate and updating events


in this post, on the 10-29-2012 I asked about events to be caught in order to know when user clikced on OK, Cancel or Close button of a RowEditTemplate dialog.
It was IgniteUI 2012.2.

Now I re-ask, is there a better way than this one:

$("#grid_one").live('iggridupdatingroweditdialogclosed', function (event, ui) {
        if (event.buttons == 0) { // Ok button

to catch user click buttons in IgniteUI 2013.1? Also because now I need to understand when user clicks OK button and when Close button...

All these is because calssic iggridupdatingeditrowended is not caught whe RowEditTemplate is enable...


Flavio M.

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