my iggrid takes in data that has line breaks but it just shows up as one line. how can I make it multi-line with respect to the line breaks?
Hello Jessica,
The grid data is rendered as pure HTML, so you'll need to use <br/> tag instead of line breaks.
One way to achieve this is to use column formatter function and replace the "\n" character with "<br/>".
Here is an example code:
formatter: function(val) { return val.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>");}
Hope this helps,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
I had <br/> tags in the database content that it pulls from, but it just displays "<br/>" instead of rendering it as an actual line break.
It renders as javascript in mine. I'm not sure if you meant the same thing.
<script type="text/javascript">$.ig.loader('igGrid.Paging.Resizing.Sorting', function() {$('#Grid1').igGrid({ dataSource: '/Products/GetContentData',autoGenerateColumns: false,autoGenerateLayouts: false,responseDataKey: 'Records', generateCompactJSONResponse: false, enableUTCDates: true, columns: [ { key: 'SKU', headerText: 'SKU', dataType: 'string', width: '150px' }, { key: 'ImageURL', headerText: 'Image', dataType: 'string', template: '<img src="${ImageURL}" style=\'width:100px;\' />', width: '110px' }, { key: 'Manufacturer', headerText: 'Manufacturer', dataType: 'string' }, { key: 'ProductType', headerText: 'Product Type', dataType: 'string' }, { key: 'Description', headerText: 'Name', dataType: 'string', template: '${Description}', width: '450px' }, { key: 'CoId', headerText: ' ', dataType: 'string', template: '<form action=\'/Orders/CreateOrderFromSku\' method=\'post\'><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'coId\' value=\'${CoId}\'/><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'partnerCoId\' value=\'${PartnerCoId}\'/><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'documentType\' value=\'Order\'/><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'portal\' value=\'true\'/><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'sku\' value=\'${SKU}\'/>{{if ${PartnerCoId} == 0 }}<input type=\'submit\' value=\'Add to Order\' disabled=\'disabled\' />{{else}}<input type=\'submit\' value=\'Add to Order\'/>{{/if}}</form>', width: '120px' }, { key: 'PartnerCoId', headerText: ' ', dataType: 'string', template: '<a href="/Products/ProductDetail?productId=${Id}&sku=${SKU}&partnerCoId=${PartnerCoId}" ><input type=\'button\' value=\'View Details\' /></a>', width: '120px' } ], features: [ { recordCountKey: 'TotalRecordsCount', pageIndexUrlKey: 'page', pageSizeUrlKey: 'pageSize', name: 'Paging', type: 'remote', pageSize: 10 }, { name: 'Resizing', allowDoubleClickToResize: true, deferredResizing: false }, { sortUrlKey: 'sort', sortUrlKeyAscValue: 'asc', sortUrlKeyDescValue: 'desc', name: 'Sorting', mode: 'single' } ], initialDataBindDepth: 0, primaryKey: 'SKU', width: '100%', height: '520px', localSchemaTransform: false });});</script>
My test showed that the actual serialized value in the browser is only "\n", so you should replace only "\n" and not "\r\n".
I don't think that's the problem. I think the problem is with the HTML encoding.
The line break IS SUCESSFULLY REPLACED with the break tag. The problem is that instead of the break tag being a line break, it's displayed as "<br/>"
Do you have template configured for the column. If you have then remove it.
If this doesn't help, can you provide a sample for me to investigate.
Best regards,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
I have exactly the same problem. My grid displays "<br/>" instead of a real line break.
And this is due to my RowTemplate: If I remove it, the formatter works.
Can you help me ?
Maxime DRIVET.
This is my workaround :
- First, remove the FormatterFunction for desired column.
- Add a class in RowTemplate like : "<td class=\"applyMultilineFormater\">${MyColumnValue}</td>"
- Then, add a delegate to intercept the 'dataRendered' event.
$(document).delegate("#myMasterGridName", "iggriddatarendered", function (evt, ui) { $('.applyMultilineFormater').each(function () { $(this).html(MultilineFormater($(this).html())); }); }); function MultilineFormater(val) { return val.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>"); }
$(document).delegate("#myMasterGridName", "iggriddatarendered", function (evt, ui) { $('.applyMultilineFormater').each(function () { $(this).html(MultilineFormater($(this).html())); }); });
function MultilineFormater(val) { return val.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>"); }
And it works !
Feel free to correct/update my code.