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iggriddatarendered and iggridrendered with datasourceurl

The DataRendered and Rendered events fire out of order on initial page load of the grid if you use the DataSourceUrl.  Details:

If the DataSourceUrl property is set, the grid behaves like this on page load:

1. The grid's "shell" (everything except data) is rendered along with the rest of the page.

2. An AJAX call is automatically made to the DataSourceUrl to retrieve the data.

3. The server returns the data to the browser.

4. The data is rendered to the grid.

This is all fine.  The issue is, DataRendered is fired between steps 3 and 4, while Rendered is fired after step 4.  Why would DataRendered fire before the data is actually rendered?  This is inconsistent with the behavior that occurs if you update the data.  For example, if you call databind at some point after everything is loaded, DataRendered is fired after the data is actually rendered, which makes sense.

Is this by design or a bug?

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  • 15979

    Hello JoshNoe,

    By specification “dataRendered” event fires after all data records in the grid table body have been rendered.

    “rendered” event on the other hand fires after whole grid widget has been rendered. This means not only the records but headers, footers, toolboxes etc. Also it is fired only on initial load of the grid.

    In most scenarios the “dataRendered” event will fire before “rendered” event because the data will be loaded first and the entire grid (especially if many features are enabled) will be rendered after that.

    In remote scenario however there is a possibility of the opposite outcome. If you can create simple HTML page (some public service can be used as Data Source) which shows this behavior we will investigate this further.

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