Hello, I want to know how is data source updated after grid is updated with new data.
Here's my app
$.ig.loader({ scriptPath: './javascript_common/igniteui/corefiles/js/', cssPath: './javascript_common/igniteui/corefiles/css/', theme: 'metro'});$.ig.loader("igGrid.Responsive.Hiding.Paging.Updating", function () { $("#grid1").igGrid({ dataSource: '', responseDataKey: "results", primaryKey: 'id', autoGenerateColumns: false, autoGenerateLayouts: false, columns: [{ key: 'id', dataType: 'number', headerText: 'Id', }, { key: 'fullname', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'Full Name' }, { key: 'fname', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'First name' }, { key: 'lname', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'Last Name' }, { key: 'username', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'User Name' }, { key: 'userLevel', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'User Level' }, { key: 'userGroupId', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'User Group' }, { key: 'email', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'Email' }, { key: 'status', dataType: 'bool', headerText: 'Status' }], features: [ { name: "Paging", type: "remote", pageSize: 2, // Default number of records per page. recordCountKey : 'totalCount', // The property in the response that will hold the total number of records in the data source. pageSizeUrlKey : 'psize', // Denotes the name of the encoded URL parameter that will state what is the currently requested page size. pageSizeList : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30], // Default: [5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100]. contents of the page size dropdown indicating what preconfigured page sizes are available to the end user. pageIndexUrlKey : 'page', // Denotes the name of the encoded URL parameter that will state what is the currently requested page index. },{ name: 'Responsive', forceResponsiveGridWidth: false, columnSettings: [{ columnKey: 'id', classes: "ui-hidden-phone" }, { columnKey: 'fullname', classes: "ui-visible-phone", configuration: { phone: { template: "<span>${lname}, ${fname}</span>" } } }, { columnKey: 'fname', classes: "ui-hidden-phone" }, { columnKey: 'lname', classes: "ui-hidden-phone" }] }, { name: 'Hiding', hiddenColumnIndicatorHeaderWidth: 14, columnSettings: [{ //hide unbound from chooser list and indicator columnKey: 'fullname', allowHiding: false }] }, { name: "Updating", enableAddRow: true, showReadonlyEditors: false, dataDirty: function (evt, ui) { return false; }, rowEditDialogOpening: function (event, ui) { if ($(ui.owner.element).igGridResponsive("getCurrentResponsiveMode") != "desktop") { ui.owner.options.rowEditDialogWidth = document.body.clientWidth * 0.9; ui.dialogElement.children('.ui-dialog-content').css('height',ui.owner.grid.element.height() - 115); ui.owner.options.rowEditDialogHeight = ui.owner.grid.element.height(); } var columns = ui.owner.grid.options.columns; for (i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { //use 0 instead of false to be able to differentiate when restoring state if (columns[i].hidden) columns[i].hidden = 0; } }, rowEditDialogOpened: function (event, ui) { var columns = ui.owner.grid.options.columns; for (i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { if (columns[i].hidden === 0) columns[i].hidden = true; } }, editMode: "rowedittemplate", columnSettings: [{ columnKey: 'fullname', readOnly: true }, { columnKey: 'id', readOnly: true }, { columnKey: "email", validatorOptions: { required: true, errorMessage: "Enter a valid email.", bodyAsParent: false } }] }] });});var grid = $('#grid1'); grid.bind("iggridupdatingrowdeleting", function (e, args) { var result = confirm("Sure to delete ?"); if (result==true) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "users.php?mode=deleteUser", data: { id: args.rowID } }).done(function( msg ) { // alert( "Deleted: " + args.rowID ); }); }else{ return false; } });
Hello Mike,
Thank you for the info. As you can see I have to update the datasource once data is changed in the grid. Which javascript event would help me do this? I have data in mysql table and once data is retrieved from table using PHP script, how do i update data if there are any changes. My row editing feature is got from Updating feature in js using rowedittemplate as editMode.
Hello Shiva,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
For updating the Ignite UI Grid please see the following documentation: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/jQuery/2013.1/CLR4.0?page=igGrid_Updating.html
Pleas also look into the commit and saveChanges methods of the grid: http://help.infragistics.com/jQuery/2013.1/ui.iggrid
Please let me know if you have any further questions concerning this matter.
Sincerely, Mike P. Developer Support Engineer II Infragistics, Inc. www.infragistics.com
Anybody knows how to do this? Its a grid when u click on a row, a new popup comes up with rowdata fields you can change. After clicking "done" how do i post these new data fileds info and update mysql db?