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How to display data in a grid?

Hello everybody!

I want to add an object in the grid ,with its ID and its name. So I am inspired from the follow link :

What  I don't understand, is how to display an object...Here a part of my code (I simplified):


   function fillProductNameLookup(objectToFill) {

        var colSettings = $("#grid1").igGridUpdating("option", "columnSettings");

        var colSetting;

        for (var i = 0; i < colSettings.length; i++) {

            colSetting = colSettings[i];

            if (colSetting.columnKey === "Product") {

                if (colSetting.editorType && colSetting.editorType === "combo") {

                    var ds = colSetting.editorOptions.dataSource;

                    var textKey = colSetting.editorOptions.textKey;

                    var valueKey = colSetting.editorOptions.valueKey;

                    var item;

                    for (var j = 0; j < ds.length; j++) {

                        item = ds[j];

                        objectToFill[item[valueKey]] = item[textKey];}}



   var lookupProductList = {};



   function lookupProductName(productNumber) {

       return lookupProductList[productNumber];}



    ViewBag.Source = WebSite1.ProductsModel.Get();   





    .RestSettings(rest =>


            .Create(c => c.RestVerbSetting().Url("/api/linea").Batch(true))

            .Update(u => u.RestVerbSetting().Url("/api/linea"))

            .Remove(r => r.RestVerbSetting().Url("/api/linea"))


    .Columns(column =>


        column.For(x => x.ID).Hidden(true);

        column.For(x => x.Product ).Width("80px").FormatterFunction("lookupProductName");       


    .Features(features => 





            .ColumnSettings(settings =>

            {                settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Product").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.Combo)

                    .ComboEditorOptions(options =>














In the controller class :

public IQueryable<Model> Get()


var pRepositery = new P_Repositery();

var prods = pRepositery.Get();

IEnumerable<Model> prodsM = ToModel(prods);

return prodsM.AsQueryable();




In the model class:

public class Model{

        [Display(Name = "ID")]

        public int ID{ get; set; }


        [Display(Name = "Product")]

        public Dictionary<int, string> Product { get; set; }



       //[Display(Name = " Product ")]

       //public ProductModel Product { get; set; }   



public class ProductModel{

        [Display(Name = "IDProduct")]

        public int IDProduct { get; set; }


        [Display(Name = "Name")]

        public Dictionary<int, string> NameProduct { get; set; }







Please, tell me what is wrong...At this moment, the grid is well displayed expected products (that are "undefined").

It is the declaration of Product in the class Model? (dictionary<int, string> or ProductModel)?

Best regards,




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