Hello to all,
Something is not very clear to me concerning the allowHiding option. When we look at the following example from your site:
http://ko.infragistics.com/products/jquery/sample/grid/column-hiding-on-initialization, it is said that "When hiding columns during initialization, column indicators are not shown, so hidden columns cannot be made visible by the user." and that's exactly what i want but for some reason the columns simply do not exists.
Is there a way to have some columns not displayed (hidden), present in the DOM, and not accessible through the column chooser using only igGrid native functionnalities?
Hello Jeff,
Hiding functionality in igGrid removes (detaches) the column from the DOM when it is hidden and restores it back when it is shown thus what you want cannot be achieved with this feature. You can try to set a width of 0px to a column which you don't want to show but want to retain it in the DOM. However the column with 0px width will be listed in the column chooser.
Why do you need a hidden column present in the grid? Probably there is an alternative solution to your problem.
Best regards,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
Thanks for you prompt reply Martin.
In fact I have some columns that are used as meta data for various processes (live update, apply specific cells styles (calculated on server side and applied directly on the td after rendering)....) => I want to be able to get those values for a given row to make some treatment with the embedded data, but I don't want the user to see those information as they have no signification for him.
I tried using the embedded data of the js igGrid object, but I had to loop to get the one corresponding to the data-id of the tr in the DOM, and it is annoying for performance as I can have several thousands of rows on the screen (i know it is a non sense, but what customer wants is not always questionable...).
So I tried to set the width to 0px, it does not work in my project, the columns are there (and largely sized....); i have to set the width to 1px for some reason to have something near from what I need without messing with the DOM.
May be it has something to do with the fact I don't use your css theme (only infragistic.css)...